Patient Information

Your Health and Safety Is Our Primary Interest.

By participating in a clinical trial, you have the opportunity to receive novel medicines that can improve your health and quality of life.

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About Us

Tandem Clinical Research has over a decade of experience in conducting phase I-IV clinical trials in multiple therapeutic areas.

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Great Medical Care

Our team of doctors and medical staff are committed to providing you with quality care.

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Compensation Provided

If you qualify for a research trial, you will receive compensation for your time and travel. The amounts vary based on individual trials.

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Our Facility

If you qualify for a research trial, you will receive compensation for your time and travel. The amounts vary based on individual trials.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A clinical trial, or research study, is a carefully supervised study in human volunteers to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication or device. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that all pharmaceutical companies test their new medications or devices before they are allowed to become available to customers. All prescription medications in use today were first proven to be safe and effective in clinical trials.

No. There is no cost to the patient for any study-related visits, tests, procedures, or medications. Your insurance is not billed either. In fact, no insurance is necessary.

If you qualify for a trial, you will be compensated for your time and travel. These amounts vary per study. Your compensated amount will be described in the informed consent document.

Your safety is our highest priority. The ethical and legal codes that govern medical practice also apply to clinical trials, and most clinical research is federally regulated with built-in safeguards to protect participants.